Why You Should Consider Hiring a Copywriter for Your Blog

So, you’re thinking of hiring a copywriter for your blog. 

Maybe you’re not sure if it’s worth it, and you think maybe you could just keep doing it yourself. 

But, I’m willing to bet it’s taking up a ton of your time, and you’re not seeing the results you’re craving, so you thought –  

“Maybe I'll just look online and see if there's a reason people are doing this.” 

Let me tell you, delegating the task of blog writing –

to someone who gets your brand and knows how to produce those results for you is something you will not regret.

Don’t believe me? 

It would be fair enough to assume I’m biased on the topic, being a copywriter myself who offers SEO blog writing. 

So I’m coming to the table today with statistics, so you don’t have to trust me

– you can see for yourself!

Why You Should Hire an SEO Copywriter for Your Blog

There are quite a few reasons why hiring an SEO copywriter for your blog will be a great investment. 

Here are just a few for the sake of not keeping you here all day.

1. Saves you time

If you are currently writing your blogs yourself, you can’t deny it’s very time expensive. 

Especially if you are trying to publish SEO blogs, which require keyword research & strategy and 1000+ words or more to rank for Google. 

This can be not only extremely tiring but, unfortunately, detrimental to your business. 

Likely, you aren’t publishing as many blogs as what would be optimal to move the needle forward in your rankings quickly.

And, even if you are managing to publish at least four high-quality, optimized blogs per month, there are likely other elements of your business that may be suffering as your focus is pulled away. 

Hiring a professional will take this load off your back, and you can begin focusing on those elements of your business that need your professional attention.

We’re talking about the things you truly love and which you excel at! 

2. Saves you effort

Even if you have time to do it yourself, you may not have the energy to delegate focus to all aspects of your business without experiencing burnout. 

Wearing all the hats in your business may be considered impressive to some people.

But, in my opinion, it is not worth losing yourself and your sense of peace in trying to juggle everything all at once. 

Allow yourself the support by delegating this task, and give yourself the gift of more rest, sharper focus, and peace. 

3. Ensures quality

When you attempt to take on the taxing role of writing all the copy yourself, on top of running your business and wearing all the hats, you’re likely not hitting all the quality points that a professional would be able to. 

Someone who knows the ins and outs, and has the time to dedicate, especially for writing you high-quality copy, is going to produce content for you that will truly shock you when the conversions begin rolling in. 

Trust me – when this happens, you will be so happy you decided to delegate this work to someone else. 

4. Helps Your Google Ranking –  If the Copywriter You’re Hiring is Educated in SEO Strategy 

Working with a copywriter who is educated in SEO strategy will not only help you on a blog-to-blog basis. 

The blogs they provide you with will continue building authority for you over time. 

A blog published five years ago – even ten years ago or more can still be almost like a mini landing page. 

The blog will draw people in and get them interested, which is why a keyword strategy is so important. 

The copywriter you work with will be able to help you plan a keyword strategy that will allow you to rank for all the most relevant words and phrases that your potential clients or customers will be searching for. 

Working with a copywriter for your blog over time will prove to build your authority gradually, and the investments you make will continue paying off larger and larger as time goes on.

How to Know if Hiring a Copywriter for Your Blog is the Right Move For Your Company 

Trial and error is always a must when bringing anyone new onto your team. 

You want to make sure you vibe with each other and that they fully understand the vision and mission that your brand encompasses. 

Most good copywriters will be open to hopping on a call to learn a bit more about each other before offering up a contract to work for months together. 

Also many copywriters will also offer test projects. These are one-off projects that will allow you to both get a better understanding of how well you work together. 

If you have a company that is looking to sell a product or service, and you need those conversions to happen. But, you don’t want to sound super salesy and want to build genuine relationships with your customers that will have them feel good when they go to purchase from you. 

What you don’t want to do, is perpetuate traditional shame or fear-mongering marketing tactics. 

When is a Good Time to Consider Contracting Out the Copywriting for Your Blog

The question of when is the right time to begin considering adding a copywriter to your business marketing strategy. 

A couple of ways to know that it is getting to the time when this would be a beneficial move for you and your team is when: 

  1. You have a sufficient marketing budget to invest in contracting out for high-quality work. 

  2. It’s taking up too much of your own time and the time of your team. Time that could be better delegated for different tasks to run your business.

  3. You aren’t receiving the results you’re craving and are considering onboarding an expert who would make the difference needed to begin seeing the returns you’re looking to receive. 

How Do SEO Copywritten Blogs Deliver Value

Blogs are a type of content that will keep your website visitors engaged for ideally a good enough amount of time where they feel they’ve received a ton of value from you and build reciprocity. 

Publishing high-quality blogs on a consistent basis will establish rapport with you and your audience. 

In fact, 47% of consumers will view 3 - 5 pieces of content before speaking with a marketing representative. 

This is why it’s so important to hook your audience early and in an ethical way by offering them a ton of genuinely useful and, helpful, engaging content. 

Building genuine customer relationships is what will ensure that your marketing efforts go the distance. 

SEO strategy incorporated with the blogs will increase your authority on Google and help your ideal customers find you because SEO blogs deliver value by attracting your leads and engaging and converting them. 

SEO blogs also are paid for once and will continue to deliver value in these ways forever (as long as they remain on your website). 

What is the ROI for Hiring a Copywriter For Your Blog?

While professionals in marketing can never guarantee an exact return on investment, there are many case studies which prove how effective SEO blogs are, especially in the long term.

When you contract out your blog writing services to a copywriter who is knowledgable in SEO strategy. 

You get: 

  • Increased authority in Google 

  • Show up in searches

  • Help your ideal clients find you 

  • Build trust and reciprocity with your audience

  • Increase conversions 

  • Make a one-time investment that will deliver value for you forever 

When you combine these things together, the initial investment of a blog post comes nowhere near the potential dollar amount that you could see returned consistently over time forever.

Can’t I just use AI to write optimized blogs for me? 

AI is a great tool to help you generate ideas and conduct research, and we can all agree that it is capable of stringing together a coherent sentence. 

However, AI doesn’t know how to connect with humans on a deeper emotional level… which is the golden key when it comes to sales and conversions. 

AI doesn’t have a truly deep and relative understanding of consumer needs, wants, desires, dreams, hopes, or struggles that a human has. 

If you just have AI produce your content, you’ll be left with content that’s unengaging and non-emotionally compelling to your ideal clients. 

When you work with a copywriter instead, you’ll get writing that will resonate with your clients and insight purchase.

Not to mention that you also get to interact and give notes. 

In summary, you can expect authenticity, engagement, persuasion, and conversion results when working with a real human copywriter. 

I hope you enjoyed this article!

If you’d like to get in touch with me, you can schedule a call using the link below.

Schedule a Call Here

Thanks For Reading!

– Stay Well & Be Kind 🌟


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